Pedigree Deedee

Date of birth 2004-09-10


Hamlets Deep Blue Spirit Blue C/W 7/14/2000      


AKC/ASCA/LUX/Dt. VDH CH STDsd Shalakos Where Theres Smoke DNA-CP, Black C/W RF AS-9333G24M E65681 DL52694406 1/24/1994 Good Ch By Popular Demand of Cimarron, Black C/W, E44243 DL42237803, Good Ch Cimarrons Light the Way, Blue C/W, Good Ch Peachcreeks Razzle Dancer, Blue C/W, Good
Ch Cimarrons Talk of the Town, Black C/W
Ch Brigadoons Gotcha, Black C/W, Good Ch Brigadoons One Arrogant Dude, Blue C/W, Normal
Ch Windswept of Windermere CD, Black C/W, Normal
Ch Hidden Lane Shalako Sun Spirit E52556 DL40413202, Blue C/W RF, Excellent HOF Ch Windhills Shine on Macon, Blue C/W, Good Ch Tri-Bar Macon Whoopie, Black C/W, Normal
Windhills Rise & Shine, Blue C/W
Ch Somercrest Sassy Lassy, Blue C/W RF, Good Ch Somercrest MaconTraxofTaltarni, Black C/W, Good
Ch Propwash Boomerang USAY Tomato CD, Red Merle, Good
VDH CH. Dt. Bundessiegerin Ridgeview's Dance The Dream CGC BH C/W RF AS-12370G25F-T DL64365902 7/5/1996 Good Ch Mistrettas Macchiato Cane CD E36595, DL46121801, Blue C/W, Good Ch Mistrettas Mi Amigo Magica CD, Blue C/W, Normal Mistrettas Magnifico of PI Blue
Mistrettas Misty Shadow Blue
Ch Applegates My Fair Lady Pic, Blue C/W, Good   Ch Czers Rojo Quisto ofApplegate Fair Red C/W  
Dufurs Moonlight Blue
Ch Ridgeviews Melody In Motion E52627 DL44211001, Black C/W, Good Lynncrest Blu Kodiak of Albion Ch Shenandoahs Awfully Awesome STDds Good Red C/W
Camways Isle of Capri Blue C/W Fair
Lynncrests Miss Piggy, Black C/W, Excellent Champagnes Friar Tuck RF
Hedgerows Frosting on the Cake Good Red Merle

TJH SVCH LPI LPII Meet MyOwn Jet Fuel "Winna" 

Black tri

HD:B, AD:UA Ögon: Clear

Dixiana's Kodiak of Exquisita "Kody", Red Tri, Docked, HD: OFA Excellent, AD: UA, Ögon: Clear DNA-CP Red C/W AS-14401E25M-T F=5.25% M E96551 DL72220305 1/14/1998 Lobo's Dixiana Dance King DNA CP
Red Tri, Docked HD: Good, Ögon: Clear
CH Bluecrest Creme D'Coca of Lobo, Red Tri, Docked 1/19/1986 Bluecrest Rocky I of Windridge, Red Tri 1/27/1983
CH Bluecrest Topic of Conversation, Red Merle 8/17/1979
Ch Dixie Dance Queen of Royalty, Blue Merle, Docked 11/3/1983 CH Royalty's King of Desert Hills, Black Tri 3/25/1978
Royalty's Queen of Shadbriar, Blue Merle 2/8/1982
Int'l CH Dansk's Miss Dixiana, Red Merle, Docked, HD: OFA Excellent, Ögon: UA 5/12/1995 CH Moonlight's Ruler of The Roost, Red Merle, Docked 3/18/1991 CH Hall of Fame Rosewood's Red Hot Special, Red Tri 3/15/1986
Gingerbred's Sweet Success CD, Red Merle 6/13/1987
Cloud 9's Miss Copper Top STDds, Red Tri, Docked 9/14/1988 Las Rocosa Lamesa Spur, Red Tri 3/10/1984
Aa's Scotch On 'th Rocks, Red Merle 4/15/1985
SUCH KORAD Skogstrollet's 2 Tempo Taifun Flizan", Blue Merle,
Ögon: Clear
WTCH NORDUCH FINUCH NUCH DKUCH Diamond Aire Fast Track "Zephyr" CD RTDc DNA-CP Black tri Docked HD/AD fri Ögon UA ASCA CH Hall of Fame # 111 Diamond Aire Hey Jude, CD, OTDc, ATDds, RD, Black Tri, Hips: Excellent, NBT ASCA CH CD, OTDs, ATDd Diamond Aire O, Black Tri
CD, STDsd Diamond Aire Esprit, Blue Merle
Diamond Aire Dealer´s Choice, CD, TT, Blue Merle, Hips: OFA Good, NBT ASCA /AKC CH Diamond Aire Big Deal, Black Tri
ASCA CH Diamond Aire Silver Showgirl, Blue Merle
NUCH SUCH Mr Binks Lousiana Blu "Anna" Blue Merle, Long tail HD/AD: Normal, Ögon UA Mr Bink´s Huckelberry Friend, Blue Merle, Hips/Elbows:Clear, NBT Lyveden Cuchilo, Blue Merle
SLCH SUCH Mareith Beldistar, Black Tri
Fairoaks Sami Jo, Black Tri, Hips: OFA Good, Long Tail/ Docked Hall of Fame Sire Fairoak's Atreyu, Black Bi
Boothill Ronita of Fairoaks, Red Merle